Simba visits the Northwest – Join Us!

Simba visits the Northwest – Join Us!

We are delighted that Tariro’s Executive Coordinator, Simba Kanyimo, will be visiting the Eugene, Portland, and Victoria in December! 

First stop …. Eugene, Oregon.

Thursday, 1 December from 5pm

Kutsinhira Catch Up with Tariro – come out to hear Simba’s vision for Tariro and what’s ahead for us in 2017.  This is an informal gathering at a private home.  For more info, please email

Next stop … Portland, Oregon.

Friday, 2 December from 7pm

Join Tariro and Njuzu Mbira us at Ford Food and Drink @ 2505 SE 11th Ave Ste 101. Portland, OR 97202!

Come out to meet Simba, hear some great music and see an amazing quilt – being raffled off to support Tariro and other groups in Zimbabwe.  It promises to be a great evening!

And finally … Victoria, Canada

Sunday, 4 December at 2pm

Join Simba at the Bopoma Winter Event @ Church of Truth, 111 Superior Street, Victoria.

Simba will be talking about Tariro and sharing in with local musicians and long-time Tariro supporters for a special event.  Don’t miss out!

Get the latest updates on our blog and on our Facebook page. If you would like to receive email reminders about the events, please contact

See you there!


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