Looking back at the last 30 years

Looking back at the last 30 years

According to a recent article from PlusNews Global we have now reached the third decade since the first case of HIV was diagnosed. “An estimated 30 million people have died, another 34 million are living with the virus and an estimated 7,000 new infections occur every day.” However according to the article the news isn’t all bad. We have also seen a 25% decline between 2001-09 for the new cases of HIV. Also last year a record 1.4 million people started antiretroviral drugs. The article categorizes the successes as well as the failures for treating HIV in recent years. The following statistics have all been contributed a new report from UNAIDS.

Looking at the pure numbers:

– Between 1981 and 2000, the number of people living with HIV rose from less than one million to an estimated 27.5 million;

– In 2010, an estimated 34 million people were HIV-positive;

– The number of new infections has steadily declined, with the annual rate of new infections falling by nearly 25 percent between 2001 and 2009.

Treating the infections:

– Between 2001 and 2010, the number of people receiving antiretroviral treatment rose nearly 22-fold, with an estimated 6.6 million people on treatment globally by December 2010;

– An estimated nine million people who qualified for ARVs did not receive them.

Looking at the future:

While we have seen an increase in the number of HIV cases we have also seen a decrease in the rate of new people being diagnosed. This statistics may seem overwhelming but it is important that we realize that in time we can continue to work towards a goal and solution.

I wanted to share these statistics with you because they remind me of how many lives are being affected in this world but also make me hopeful that in the future the rate of newly diagnosed will continue to decline.

It is Tariro’s mission to prevent the further spread of HIV by educating young girls. Through educating these girls we can make it less likely for them to fall in the same pattern as their parents did and help them to achieve a brighter future with education.

Thank you for reading this week!

Here is the link to the actual article if you’re interested in reading more: http://plusnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportID=92883


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