The Quilt for Zimbabwe Comes Home!

The Quilt for Zimbabwe Comes Home!

On Saturday 25 March, the beloved Quilt for Zimbabwe was delivered to the lucky winner at his home in Freeland, Washington!

quilt makers

In the year since it was lovingly crafted by the Cama Beach Quilters on Comano Island, the quilt was displayed at eight different events.  People eager to win quilt bought approximately 600 raffle tickets, raising more than $2,700 in raffle sales and donations.   Proceeds benefited two charities working in Zimbabwe, Tariro and Portland-Mutare Sister City Association.

Tariro’s own Executive Coordinator, Simba Kanyimo, helped with raffle sales while he was in Portland, Oregon last fall to talk to donors about Tariro and our mission. Everywhere the quilt was shown, it attracted attention and admiration!


A HUGE THANK YOU to the talented quilters who designed and made this beautiful quilt!

Tariro wishes to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the lucky winner and our thanks to Paul, Peter and Peg Hayes, who shepherded this project over the last year and for their faithful support for Zimbabwe.  Thank you!


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