Meet Morlene! Jennifer Kyker, the founder of Tariro, was able to go to Zimbabwe this past summer and interview Morlene.
Morlene was unable to continue her Grade 7 in 2010 due to the fact that her family had no money for school fees. Her mother was single-handedly raising the family as her father left them when Morlene was young. Her mother and her went to Domboramwari High to seek support. In 2011, Morlene meet Sisi Fadzie, who is the program coordinator for Tariro. With that, her school fees was paid for by Tariro and Morlene has been with Tariro since.
Morlene has passed an incredible number of ten O level subjects. She has passed with seven A’s, one B, and two C’s specifically. She now attends Harare High for her A level study, and is on the Junior City Council of Harare. As Morlene explains, she was a member of Junior Parliament during her O level study at Domboramwari High, during Form 3 and Form 4. Now, she has transitioned to the Junior Council. In her words, council members “serve the children so that they become the voice for these people that are voiceless… and take problems such as having no water at home, and other basic needs, and take them to Senior Council”
To get into Junior Council, it was a difficult journey. In all of Harare, there are only eight people total serving on the Junior Council. Out of fifty people who applied from her school alone, she became one of only two elected counselors. From writing and delivering speeches to conducting interviews, Morlene proudly stands to represent her community. She describes her experience by saying, “It is a big commitment because we are called to serve”. Using this as a bridge, she hopes to pursue Political Science at University and eventually become a Minister!
Here is the full interview, for those interested in watching:
Check out the message she gave to those that are hearing about Tariro for the first time at 10:12.
“We are prospering with Tariro… Tariro is doing much for us as orphans”
She ended off the interview with a beautiful poem that she herself wrote. You can listen to it at 10:51.
As the Fall Fundraising Campaign is almost over, we encourage and greatly appreciate donations to our Razoo Fundraising Site, to help Morlene and all the other Tariro girls to be able to continue their education and achieve their dreams. Thank you for your support!