Pride born to shine, conquering the world’s challenges

Pride born to shine, conquering the world’s challenges

To all girls you are worth it. You are important. Be you and no one else.
The whole of this month we will profile some of our sponsored students. On this day we profile Pride R. Tariro has supported Pride since she was in Form one, now she is in her second year at Midlands State University.
Pride lost her mother when she was very young. Her father remarried and her stepmother did not like her.
Her father and stepmother gave up on her and cut her dreams short by deciding not to fund her education after she wrote her grade seven examinations. They pushed her to get married at 13 years. Pride was devastated. Pride found her lost joy through her teachers who believed in her when her family did not, they saw her full potential as a hard working girl and secured a form one place for her at Domboramwari High School in Epworth. Her teachers believed someone would come on board and support this academically gifted young girl. Their belief became a reality. Through the Domboramwari School headmaster, Pride was referred to Tariro Trust. Touched by her plight and seeing the potential in her, Tariro Trust took her on board and began paying her school fees, provided her with stationery, uniforms, text books and sanitary wear. She did exceptionally well in her Ordinary level examinations and proceeded to Advanced Level at Oriel Girls High where she passed her Advanced Level examinations. Pride enrolled at the Midlands State University where she is now a second year student studying Banking and Finance. Through Tariro Trust’s help Pride has managed to excel in her studies and continues to move towards being an independent, empowered and educated young lady. Her dream is to start up her own micro finance company which will provide loans to young people so that they can start viable income generating projects. She believes the sky is the limit.
It has been an 8 year journey with Tariro Trust and Pride hopes Tariro will see her through her tertiary education. Pride is 22 and she is a focused, sociable, motived lady who is moving towards excellence and her journey continues…… thanks to Tariro’s wonderful donors who enable us to help girls like Pride.


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