Our Girls sailing High!

Our Girls sailing High!

We are happy that the first term is coming close to an end and once again we find joy in the work we are doing. As many of you know, this is the term that our beneficiaries who would have written their O and A levels in the previous year receive their results. Well, just like in the years past our girls have defeated unimaginable odds to emerge victorious and empowered.

The A level results came first and we had an enviable pass rate of 80%. Our girls are waiting to get into university and other tertiary institutions and we are hoping for the best.

Next were the O level results in which we had our students doing exceptionally well, here we had a pass rate of 63% against the national pass rate of 20.72%. Currently 7 out of the 9 beneficiaries who sat for their O levels last year have been accepted into A level.

Yet as happy as we are we never forget to thank all our donors and all our friends who support us. We thank you for helping our girls outmaneuver the throes of poverty, disease, and abuse and establish themselves as empowered individuals.

Below are some of the girls who did us proud.


Pride R.


Gillian M


1 comments so far.

One response to “Our Girls sailing High!”

  1. It is so moving to see these girls and hear the overall stats. Go Tariro! Wesley

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