High flying Moleen!

High flying Moleen!

Late last year we ran a blog for Tariro students who had received various prizes for academic excellence at Domboramwari high school in Epworth. One of the students was Morlene who scooped various prizes in different subjects. Well today we are featuring her again and this time she has done it on a national level. Out of the 10 subjects that she passed Morlene obtained 5 straight “A”s.

Naturally we are as ecstatic as Morlene as she takes her academic journey to Advanced level. Morlene will be taking Business studies, Accounts and Economics at A level. Morlene has always had the desire to be an accountant and we are glad that she is on course to realising her dream.

Recipe for success

Morlene attributes her success to a strict reading culture. She disclosed to me that she would often wake up at 2am to study for the examination. For many days she would stay behind after school and engage in group discussions with her colleagues. Spiritual guidance also played a part as Morlene told us that she would pray regularly.

It’s all because of you


A bright future beckons: Morleen wants to pursue a career in accounting.

Morlene is thankful to Tariro for coming to her rescue in 2011 when she almost failed to enroll for form 1 because her mother had failed to raise the $100 required for her to start secondary school. Morlene is grateful to Tariro for the support she has been receiving ever since.

We would like to congratulate Morlene and wish her the best in the rest of her academic journey. We would also like to thank YOU our supporters who help us to work towards the fulfilment of  our mission to educate and empower young women and girls in Zimbabwean communities affected by HIV/AIDS.


Precursor; This photo from last year shows a jubilant Morlene surrounded by family and friends after winning multiple awards at Domboramwari High School.


1 comments so far.

One response to “High flying Moleen!”

  1. Hilary Vander Veer says:

    Thanks for the update, Tariro, and congratulations, Moleen! What an inspiration for all of us!

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