Thank you!

Thank you!

Friends at Tariro

These two students, from Chembira Primary School, became friends through Tariro’s traditional music and dance program.

Thank you so much for your recent donations! The third term of school is now well underway, and Tariro’s students are off to a great start.

Since the beginning of August we’ve managed to raise almost all of the funds we need to get us through the rest of the term. We’re very thankful for all the support we have received! If you haven’t gotten a chance to give yet, you can still do so here. Even small gifts can add up to make a real change, so please consider helping us reach our goals!

The students are continuing their dedication, with an average attendance rate is at 98% among sponsored schools. As they approach their O and A Level exams this fall, we look forward to updating you more on their progress.


Here are two students who are a part of the traditional music and dance company.


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