Students helping students

Students helping students

Tariro students in Epworth model their new shirts

Today, I’d like to write a very short post to acknowledge the support of the members of South Eugene High School’s National Honors Society.  These high school students from Eugene, Oregon learned of Tariro’s work last year.  Not only did they donate $1,000 to help us pay school fees for the students we support in Zimbabwe, but they also made a personal gesture by donating t-shirts to give to Tariro students.  It’s taken us a while to get them to Zimbabwe, but twenty-three of the donated shirts were finally brought over last week by Tariro volunteer Cai Emmons, who is now visiting.

Looking good! New shirts for Tariro students in Glen Norah

On Friday, we took a trip out to Epworth to meet with students and their parents, giving shirts to students in this branch of our program.  Just this morning in Glen Norah, we distributed more shirts to members of the traditional dance group at their weekly Saturday rehearsal.  And on Monday, we will be giving the remaining shirts to students in the rural area of Mhondoro.  As you can see from the photos, our students were extremely happy and excited to get new clothes!  Thank you SEHS NHS members for your support!!


2 comments so far.

2 responses to “Students helping students”

  1. Hilary Vander Veer says:

    thanks for the great updates, Jennifer. nice photos…Cosmas arrived yesterday…seen anyone you know sellling burritos at HIFA??

  2. tarirohope says:

    hehe YES those dang burritos are selling like hot cakes!

  3. Connie K says:

    Interesting and empowering thanks for the hard work and the successful outcome. I wish I could visit Tariro and meet some of these beautiful girls. I am originally from Glen Norah A myself.

  4. tarirohope says:

    Hi Connie, thank you for the interest you have shown. You are welcome to visit us any time

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