Intern -Social Worker

Intern -Social Worker

.vacIntern – Social Worker

Tariro –Hope and Health for Zimbabwe Orphans, a grassroots non-profit organization working in Harare Zimbabwe to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and other vices by educating young women and girls is looking for an Intern – Social Worker. The intern should be a student currently enrolled at one of the local universities and studying for a degree in Social Work.
The intern’s responsibilities will focus on addressing the psycho-social needs of our beneficiaries and their families in order to improve academic performance and provide support for the challenges that program beneficiaries are facing. The intern will work with the Executive Coordinator, with the involvement of the student, the family, the community and schools, to identify needs, establish intervention plans, and collaborate with community agencies to provide additional psycho-social support to our beneficiaries and their families.

The internship will run during the university academic year 2017.

The intern will be expected to perform (but not limited to) the following duties, with supervision and guidance by the Executive Coordinator:

1.Provide interventions based on detailed assessments, including but not limited to:
a. Individual and group counseling for selected beneficiaries and families, as needed;
b. Case management for identified students;
c. Home and school visits;
d. Liaise and advocate for student and parents on issues of social welfare and psycho-social support.
e. Assessment prior to providing interventions.

2. Contribute social media materials (blog posts, Facebook posts, twitter posts) related to the social welfare of our beneficiaries and the psycho-social support Tariro provides for our beneficiaries.
3. Attend related conferences and seminars.
4. Assist in grant writing where the intern will work closely with the Executive Coordinator, with special emphasis on grants supporting Tariro’s psycho-social support for beneficiaries.
5. Participate in community collaborative and/or meetings.
6. Initiate localized awareness campaigns on different issues affecting the girl child with the assistance of the Executive Coordinator.
7. Participate in beneficiaries’ monthly meetings and conducting/facilitating monthly extra-curricular activities.
8. Assist with administrative responsibilities and financial reporting related to Tariro’s social welfare and psycho-social programs, including but not limited to logistics for events and uploading financial records in Money-Minder.

The intern will also be expected to perform additional duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Coordinator. Please email your applications – detailed curriculum vitae and cover letter to the Executive Coordinator on email : . Closing date is 16 December 2016.


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