An update from Tariro

An update from Tariro

In this post, I’d like to share a brief update on Tariro’s progress toward our 2010 fundraising goal of $40,000.  We’ve just updated the fundraising thermometer on our website to reflect $1,980 of donations received online since our fundraising campaign began a little over a week ago.  However, I recently received news from Tariro’s secretary that we’ve also received $1,275 in mail-in donations, bringing our fundraising total so far to $3,255.  This includes donations from 7 new Friends of Tariro, who have signed up to make automated monthly donations in support of our work to educate and empower Zimbabwe’s orphaned girls.  This means that just over a week into our annual fundraising campaign, we’re almost 10% of the way toward this year’s $40,000 goal!

Tariro’s work in Zimbabwe enables students like Daisy, who lost both of her parents, to obtain a high school education, reducing their risk of contracting HIV, and giving them hope for the future.  Here is Daisy’s story, as told in her hero book, which she dedicated to her deceased mother:

My road of life

My name is Daisy.  I live in Western Triangle.  I am a girl 16 year old.  I live with my brother and his wife and daughter…  My mother died when I was grade 1 on 2001.  And my father died when I was too young.

By the time I was told that my mother and father were dead, by that time I feel so difficult to me to understand that my mother and father were dead.  My friends started to help me so that I am not be able to think about my mother and father that were dead.  This time I feel like I have my parent because I love the way my brother talk to me so that I feel so comfortable.  And my sister is also there for me.

A page from Daisy's hero book

When I grow up I want to be a doctor.  After I finished doing my education I want to have a husband and three children and have one nice house, nice village and beautiful husband and have a nice wedding with my husband.  A husband is someone I can told my problems so he can help me for my problems.

Thanks to her enrollment in Tariro, Daisy will benefit not only from our school sponsorship program, but also a host of extra-curricular activites designed to improve her academic outcomes, including our English club, empowerment camp, and mentoring programs.

Please join our annual fundraising campaign in support of Tariro’s work with Daisy, and other Zimbabwean girls in communities affected by HIV/AIDS.  You can sign up to become a monthly donor, or make a one-time donation to Tariro, through our page online at JustGive.  You can also visit our website, or join us on Facebook, to stay in touch and learn more about our work.


1 comments so far.

One response to “An update from Tariro”

  1. Tessa says:

    So sweet to see. You know I love the work you are doing and I would so love to visit Zimbabwe someday. xo

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