Brenda B. “Education gives me hope.”
Brenda is a single orphan who lost her father in a tragic suicide incident that simultaneously robbed the family of its primary breadwinner and destroyed the family house and property. Brenda was recommended to Tariro by her school for assistance as she was at high risk of dropping out of school. Her mother is unemployed and slid into a depression after the death of her husband. Starting in 2017, Tariro takes care of Brenda’s school and psycho-social support needs while she attends Glen Norah 1 High School.
After their Glen Norah house was destroyed, the family moved to a new settlement, Ushewekunze, and she has to walk to school, an hour each way. Brenda believes education will help her gain a better future and she hopes to become a social worker. She is an active member of Tariro’s music and dance ensemble and hopes to become a prolific marimba player.
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